
Support The Project

When you support the Shoah Memorial of Fairfield, Connecticut (SMFC), you become a vital part of preserving history. Across the country, states—including Connecticut—have enacted laws requiring Holocaust and genocide education in public school curriculums. To effectively bring these lessons to life, resources and innovative learning tools are essential—such as public art.

SMFC is raising funds to install a Holocaust memorial on the campus of Fairfield University in Fairfield, CT. This sculpture, She Wouldn’t Take Off Her Boots, created by Victoria Milstein, follows the success of the first installation in Greensboro, NC, in April 2023. 

As part of their commitment to engage local schools and community members in the goals of the Shoah Memorial project, Fairfield University will offer a self-guided tour, a documentary film, and state-specific educational curricula facilitated by SMFC. Through this initiative, students from across Connecticut will have the opportunity to visit the memorial, participate in educational programming, and deepen their understanding of the Holocaust and genocide and their ongoing relevance today.

Donation recognition giving levels

  • Monument – $100,000 and up

  • Camera – $50,000 - $99,000

  • Self-guided tour – $18,000 - $49,000

  • Self-guided tour individual stops – $2,500 each (more than one gradual increase)

  • Curriculum - $1,500 - $2,499

  • Honorary dedication - $500 - $1,499

  • Friends of SMFC - $18.00 - $499

Giving levels will be recognized on the website and at the monument. For additional information and options, contact SMFC Board Chairman, Paul Burger,, 203-762-6700.

Donate by mailing a check to:

The Jewish Foundation of New Haven, CT
c/o Shoah Memorial Fairfield CT
360 Amity Road, Woodbridge, CT 06525